Guidelines For Finding an Excellent Tax Attorney

If you are in need of a tax attorney to help you with your taxes, you may be wondering how to find the best one. The good news is that there are a variety of options available. Tax lawyers are licensed professionals who specialize in tax law. The right attorney will be able to help you with many different issues […]

Resolving Landlord and Tenant Dispute

If you are a landlord and a tenant, you might be wondering how to settle your dispute. Luckily, there are many legal options for landlords and tenants. Regardless of the type of dispute, there are several steps you can take to settle it. First, decide what you want out of the situation. Do you just want your landlord to apologize […]

Tax Attorney – When Do You Need One

If you owe more than you can afford to pay, it may be time to consider hiring a tax attorney. A tax attorney can help you negotiate a repayment plan and get a lower monthly payment. Some taxpayers worry they will never pay off their tax debt, but a tax attorney can help you determine whether your tax debt can […]

Negotiating Tax Burden with the State, IRS

The role of a tax lawyer is important in many different ways. First of all, every business is required to file a tax return. The job of a tax attorney is to represent their clients before the IRS. In the case of a tax dispute, they will be able to negotiate the burden of taxes with the government on their […]

Arrangement of Custody and Visitation Rights Pending Divorce

In determining custody of a child, courts typically focus on the parent who best provides the child with a stable environment and a close relationship with the other parent. For young children, the primary caregiver may be awarded custody. For older children, the parent with the highest likelihood of maintaining a continuity of education, neighborhood life, and religious activities may […]

Understanding What Tax Fraud And Evasion Are All About

A tax defense attorney  New Jersey has specific training in these cases and can help you fight tax evasion charges. This type of lawyer can fight to get charges dropped or the case reduced, and can often help you avoid criminal penalties. Even if you have a blemish on your record, a good lawyer can help you avoid jail. If […]